Where should we improve?

Alexander Debkaliuk
1 min readJan 6, 2018

I would argue that a lot of designers don’t know what exactly they need to work on to become better designers.

Feels like it is a profession where the challenge isn’t actually in trying harder, but in identifying what to improve in the first place.

Imagine a visual designer who would really benefit from improving client management and communication skills, but instead focuses on improving graphic design skills.

Another example could be a good UX researcher who would benefit a lot from improving visualization skills to communicate research findings and insights they had, instead focus on endlessly expanding their research toolkit.

What we need to do is seek ways to identify, not just guess, where our weaknesses are and only then work to improve. Will take effort, will take listening to bad feedback and will get you out of the comfort zone.

Isn’t choosing the direction of the journey the most important part of it if you have a specific goal to reach?

I guess a good tell that you’re stuck improving the same skill is when you’re doing more of the same / similar thing you do today.

But best, I guess, learn from feedback and honest reflection on what you like to do least in your projects.

Selling design, illustrating ideas and interfaces, running user research, documenting design, negotiating with clients and team members — which do you shy away from most?

